世 界 功 夫 武 術 段 位 制 總 會

 World Organization of Wushu Kung Fu Master

About Membership Ranking  Member List Events Photos Contact 中文


How to become a Member:

1.        Provide your personal information and relevant documents using the Membership Application Form (Canada)( PDF 72 kb ), and mail the form with the membership fee to the address below:

Address:PO Box 43002,RPO Richmond Centre,Richmond BC V6Y 3Y3,Canada

Please make cheques payable to World Organization of Wushu Kung Fu Masters.


* Participation in club organized classes can earn credit towards level progression. (Please note date of club classes.)


Level Admission Fee Schedule:

1段 -  美元  $135
         港幣  $1050
         人民幣 $900
2段 - 美元  $155
         港幣  $1200
         人民幣 $1030
3段 - 美元  $220
         港幣  $1700
         人民幣 $1470
4段 - 美元  $260
         港幣  $2000
         人民幣 $1730
5段 - 美元  $320
         港幣  $2500
         人民幣 $2130
6段 - 美元  $390
         港幣  $3000
         人民幣 $2600
7段 - 美元  $490
         港幣  $3800
         人民幣 $3300
8段 - 美元  $580
         港幣  $4500
         人民幣 $4000
9段 - 美元  $710
         港幣  $5500
         人民幣 $4800
10段 - 美元  $970
         港幣  $7500
         人民幣 $6480


Apply as a Membership:

For all level applications, provide your personal information and relevant proof to become a member using the application form show as above. Mail the application form with the membership fee to the above address.


Membership Fee:

Permanent membership requires a one-time fee of $40 US or $300 HK.


Judgement of a level:

Judgement of a level is based on the provided relevant proof. The organization will decide the ranking, which may be different than the level applied for. The decision of the organization is final, and there will be no refund of the application fee for any disputes.


Membership Wushu Kung Fu styles:

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